Funfetti #1

By Betty Blum - settembre 18, 2018

Hi everybody!! I’m so excited today! It’s 18th September 2018 and this is my first first post!! So proud to present you my super BLUMing blog and to share with you all my weird bright coloured world! 
To celebrate I decided to bake a Funfetti Cake, yeah…! These little rainbow candies that my mum put on every birthday cake bring me back to my happy childhood… So many coloured smiles with braces full of candy pieces! Now I’m trying to be adult, but my obsession with colours still remains. 

So whoever you are, member of the Funfetti Generation or not, boho hipster, creative yuccie looking for inspiration, or simply a curious pal, enjoy my world! And… stay tuned, stay BLUMed!

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